Case Studies where the rubber meets the road.

Gumball has coached 51 C-Suite leaders and business owners over the last 3 years.

Most leaders were simultaneously scaling the business, readying the company for sale, disrupting their industry, and learning how to lead from their new leadership position at the executive level.

Here are 4 examples!

Our Recent Case Studies

Coaching young leaders through an acquisition

Being acquired while upskilling to an executive role is a tall order. Read more

Coaching leaders whose companies are rapidly scaling

Are you rapidly scaling your business? Click to read about how we've helped others like you. Read more

Coaching leaders through acquisitions, ipo, and scaling

Has your company been recently acquired or is it going public? Click to read about how we've helped others like you. Read more

Coaching CEO's and executive teams in their new roles

Are you in a completely new leadership role? Click to read about how we've helped others like you. Read more

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